The one who listens is exposed to the impact of the tale. It is possible for your whole life to be changed by a story at a crucial time by someone who you respect and trust. The effect of a story not only counts on its content but also in its timing and above all dependent on the relationship between teller and listener.
Within your mind’s eye imagine two people sitting near one another. One is telling a story the other is listening. In the space between story teller and listener images will arise. Characters will be created; both people will see the story but both will also see their own story. The power of words extends beyond the power of content it also has the power of repeated usage, of association and of intent.
What has been the impact of the stories you hear? Told to you in your role at work, by family or friends.

My perspective of the misty morning:
The Mist came over the hay bales in the bottom field this morning and the earthy smells of autumn’s preparations hung in the air.
It made me breathe in deeply just to feel I was part of its plans for the season to come.
I felt alive and in awe of the millennia of autumns which have eased in long before my time and how they will ease in long after I have left the views for someone else.
Still each year we walk together for a while.
My friend Andys perspective of the misty morning!
Yeah we cant see a freaking thing either!
LOL! Hope you all enjoy autumn this year and feel part of it.
Lindy Loo.
By Linda Dickinson September 10th 2011
As the summer deepens people make time for enjoyment. For me pleasure comes from visiting new places. Pitching up in various places with my caravan, enjoying new views and nature at its best, admiring the creations of man over the centuries in the form of châteaus, great gardens and historic towns, taking life at a more steady pace and stopping to notice what surrounds me. I am reminded how even a small change can reap big benefits.
So pause awhile; we all need time to reflect, to truly value things in our life and appreciate them. So sit on a quiet beach or in a beautiful garden and muse without distraction.
The hardest thing is to see what is in front of your eyes.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
All seasons hold a beauty of their own.
Summer seems to say “look at me , look how invincible I am, look at me shine “, the result of nature in action. Never underestimate your potential or discount your ability, believe in yourself.
Consider the postage stamp:its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing til it gets there.
Josh Billings 1818-1885
Don’t wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, stride down there… and light the bloody thing yourself.
Sara Henderson 1936-2005
Cherish your family
They may exasperate and infuriate us.
But they are one of our most precious possessions.
Don’t take them for granted.
We never know how long we will have with them, or they us.
They are our mirror and our anchor.
Treasure your time with them.
Dedicated to RD 1951-2011
‘The family is the country of the heart’ Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)