Connecting Space

Connecting Space

Professional Development

Continued professional development is necessary to maintain your work as a practitioner whether in private practice or working for an employer. Connecting Space offers training workshops to support Continued Professional Development introducing you to creative working around specific themes and the opportunity to network with other professionals. Visit our shop to purchase therapeutic tools to support your practice. Become a member of the forum ‘Journals’ and share your knowledge and experiences with others. Join us as a therapist see how to below.

We recognise whilst in Counselling and Psychotherapy training unlike other professions there is the expectation of receiving supervision and therapy. Therefore to support full-time students in finding affordable supervision and therapy we offer reduced rates.

Want to join us?

How it works: You don’t need to do anything as we will create your web-page ad, and add photos if you have them. Continued advertising on this site is charged at £39.99 per year from joining day.

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Author: Connecting Space • Last updated: November 1, 2017 2:05 pm